Subash Murray also holds a Florida State Private Investigator License. MCF holds an Agency License. With both licenses, we cover and offer the following investigative services:
- Exhaustive background investigations of stake holders, current / prospective employees and others,
- Locate hidden, missing assets whether they are financial or non-financial in divorces, minority shareholder disputes,
- Unreported and/or under reported liabilities, obligations, missing revenues and under reported incomes,
- Investigate into false and fraudulent financial statements and related reports -- financial and / or non-financial,
- Investigate into manipulation of accounting records, related financial statements, money laundering and many more,
- Holistic due diligence work well before any acquisitions, mergers of businesses / divisions take place,
- Investigating, resolving unpaid Child support dues and disputes,
- Plus criminal and civil background searches that include pre-employment, skip searches, workers comp claims and many more...
- Investigate into financial crimes, exploitations and real property manipulations to Elderly and Senior Citizens, many of these elderly victims do not report fraudulent actitivites because they
feel ashamed, embarrassed or they fear for many reasons.
MCF maintains a vast network of professionals in and of out of United States to help its clients / prospects.